Sunday, April 18, 2010

Statement of Purpose: WP3

Art is all around us, from cover on that new CD you bought or that sculpture that you pass on the way to class everyday. Each of these pieces has a purpose and a meaning that is constructed through the visual elements and the interaction of the physical with the symbolic. This creation is as true with any piece of art as it is with Fragment X-O by Juan Hamilton.

When constructing my analysis of Fragment X-O, I have to be purposeful and effective. In analyzing another type of communication it is important that I successfully incorporate as many of the ideas that the sculpture is portraying. If I accomplish this task I hope to help my audience think differently about Fragment and art in general by considering all aspects of the piece, from the actual art-form to the description that accompanies it. I hope to inform and educate my audience about the argument, or rather the counterargument, that Fragment has created. The counterargument is created through the contrast within aspects of the aesthetic pathos and rhetorical use of logos, both with the title and environment interaction, for the symbolism that is applied to everyday objects to create meaning for a society, in this case the symbolism of a circle within the view of western culture. I hope to enlighten my audience on how this argument can be portrayed through a piece of art, something that is not widely considered as a form of communication.

My analysis viewed primarily by a specific audience. I am familiar with this audience and the situation in which they will encounter my essay so I have to be especially considerate of these individuals during the writing process. My primary audience will consist of my teacher and fellow classmates in a revision setting. These individuals will also be equipped with the same knowledge and terminology that I have. Both of these factors are the most important to take into account because they allow my audience to already have insight into my topic and have a critical eye for the ideas presented in my essay. However, my secondary audience will consist of other bloggers and internet users surfing the world wide web that will have little background for my topic. These individuals are also important to consider when crafting my essay because it must also inform and appeal to this audience. As well as a variety of audiences that will encounter my essay, the contexts in which it could be viewed also vary greatly.

This is the most open-ended consideration of the construction of my essay. I have very little control of when and where my various audiences will encounter my essay. The contexts will also range from an academic to recreational situations. This is due to the fact that my essay will be posted on a blog available to everyone that has access to a computer and the internet. It is also important to consider the time frame in which my essay will be viewed. It must be as applicable and relevant tomorrow as it will be years from now because of its existence on the internet and the permanence of Fragment X-O. Once it is posted on my blog, it will remain there forever, for everyone to see. With these variables in mind, I must be considerate of the wide variety of contexts in which it can be viewed and received.

The art that surrounds us is a major part of the communication within our society. One of these communicators is Fragment X-O by Juan Hamilton. I hope that my analytical essay will shed some light on argument that Fragment and other pieces are portraying. But, if I am unsuccessful in the analysis of the counterargument created by the sculpture my audience will not trust my ethos as a communicator and will ultimately disregard the piece of art that I had hoped to enlighten them about. In both scenarios, whether I accomplish my goal or not, the audience will be the deciding factor. Thus, I truly hope that I will effectively communicate the counterargument of Fragment X-O so that it appeals to the various members of my audience in their own context and that I have helped them to translate what that sculpture is portraying as they pass it on the way to class.

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